Notebook Contents for Safety Merit Badge Collect newspaper clippings on home accidents local crime accident & crime statistics Write a paragraph on the affect on your family from either a crime, fire, or accident Draw a fire escape plan for your home. Do the home safety inspection on pages 13-17 and 36-40 of the merit badge book. Do a safety project that your counselor has OK'd. Bike safety check & repair Know the following so you can discuss it with your councilor. How you can contribute to your own family safety. cross street on green light at crosswalks buckle seat belts maintain bikes, roller blades, etc. don't block view while carrying anything walk facing oncoming traffic follow school bus rules no flames in tents Unsafe conditions - physical things that are broken or dangerous to be around or use like ladders brakes on cars lightning Unsafe acts being unprepared fatigue haste lure of the forbidden Panic in public places stay calm try to keep others calm look for alternative escape routes A three step plan for accident prevention is knowledge & skill look ahead know & accept limitations